Gattuso: “With me who makes three mistakes…”

Coach Gennaro Gattuso is famed for his notorious temper while playing for AC Milan, fortunately he hasn’t lost his way even now as a coach.
With Rino Gattuso you are only allowed two mistakes, the third is not a good idea. “One time can happen, the second one as well, but the third, i don’t even have to tell you… it’s fatal“, smiled the coach, who in his first two weeks on the Rossoneri bench is also working to give peace to the team and a spirit of sacrifice. “The key must be Cutrone’s sprint in the 90th minute against Verona, or Suso’s two recoveries.”
“I know what this team can do on a technical level but it’s not enough, you need hunger, grit, to make yourself available for your teammates” explained Gattuso, underlining the example of Bonucci: “He’s a hammer, he’s got an angel’s face but he works unbelievably, it’s a spectacle to see him work. If you want to give up, it’s important to see 6-7 players who encourage you, it’s this spirit that is helping us work well, this is a strong team, I really think so, there’s quality on a technical and human level and we have to rely on this aspect“.
The coach then wished AC Milan a happy 118th birthday: “I would like to wish a happy birthday to this glorious football club. I am proud to be part of it, even if I have just lived half of these wonderful 118 years. I insist, I consider myself lucky to have worn this jersey and to have won so much with it. Here the story speaks for itself and there is still everything to do, there’s a great environment and a great management. Now it’s up to us to get everyone to their best